The European Chemical Agency(ECHA), under the Waste Framework Directive(WFD), has issued a SCIP database containing all the essential information regarding the Substances of Concern (SOC) that are included in complex products or articles. These initiatives taken by ECHA were to promote safer use of the products (inclusion of SOC) and prevent potential environmental hazards. Hence, the amendment of REACH compliance and SCIP is considered the prominent ones issued by ECHA for safer use of chemicals and to prevent their relative hazards. Therefore, in this blog, we will see the requirements of SCIP reporting, what the EEA countries should expect and the latest version of SCIP.
Requirements For SCIP Reporting:
The producers, importers, distributors, and assemblers of the European Union have to submit a SCIP notification if their articles or complex products include material from substances of very high concern(SVHCs) presented on the Candidate list.
So, the SCIP reporting requires the concerned companies to create an ECHA SCIP-IT account, thereby submitting the essentials of the organization, product, and information. It should also be considered that they maintain the dossier’s accuracy on every ECHA update.
The working procedure of the SCIP is carried out by the manufacturer submitting dossiers for the product that contains SVCH. Even though the manufacturer considers it a single-whole product, they must submit dossiers for each SVCH in the article or the complex product leading to multiple dossiers.
What are EEA Countries Expected To Do?
The ECHA received more than 5 million SCIPs submission soon after the official launch of the SCIP database on 5 January 2021. However, the submitted dossiers were incomplete, with hundreds of flaws that put the companies in a position of being non-compliant. On the other hand, the submission that passed the regulation of ECHA took hours of processing to validate and compile.
The companies from the European Economic Area(EEA) met the requirements of the SCIP database and drastically improved their supply chain as per compliance. European countries like Lichtenstein, Norway, and Iceland met the needs of the SCIP by collaborating with supply chain compliance providers, simplifying the SVCH components in the products or articles, and referencing complex dossiers.
The reference here denotes the practice where the in-scope manufacturer could refer to the supplier’s SCIP Dossier ID for their products or articles only when the supplier has submitted a dossier within the database.
It is how the EEA countries are expected to submit their dossier for the SCIP database.
Latest SCIP Database Reporting:
ECHA made the last updated version of the SCIP database on 24 November 2021. They are
- The in-scope companies can use the SCIP Dossier ID for reference purposes.
- The Article identifiers search block is optimized in the latest version, which helps search other identifier types.
- Revised IUCLID format to adapt the ECHA updates.
- To improve the processing of the products, technical enhancements were made.
These are the latest SCIP database updates for all EEA countries. If you are looking for any partner to lean on your SCIP requirements, then Sunstream will be a dependable option. We have been supporting manufacturers in submitting dossiers and managing multiple regulations like REACH, RoHS, Prop 65 and Conflict minerals compliance.