Do you know that product compliances are about to become more competent and faster? The compliances enforced by the EU will undergo a revolution as there will be a Chemical Audit Agency very soon for the effective enforcement and auditing of the compliance. Hence, this article will deal with the changes in REACH compliance and related regulations enforcement.
Shortcomings In The Existing Regulation:
In June 2019, EU Market Surveillance Regulation (MSR) published the declarations for the products that the EU companies must place on the market. The EU enforced these legislations to offer product production consistency and prevent potential environmental hazards. It was also issued to neutralize the field for all the manufacturers and avoid unfair methods for those manufacturers operating in the region where the compliance is lower.
However, the regulation implementation lacked resources, experts, and time for the appropriate compliance audit. It is also to be noted that there was extreme complexity in understanding compliances.
Hence, to overcome these shortcomings, European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) proposes to develop a European Audit Capacity (EAC) to ensure the audacity in adhering to the regulations. This task force tends to report a tailored audit report of the corresponding manufacturer to the EU Member States by enabling them to execute proper enforcement actions.
ECHA’s New Version:
As mentioned earlier, the new European Audit Capacity (EAC) is implemented with the vision of proper auditing, like executing product calls, recommending fines, and other legislative action in due time.
So, in other words, it can also be defined that the new European Audit Capacity (EAC) bridges the gap between the individual EU agencies with product compliance. Hence, this approach removes the extra burden these agencies were experiencing and helps them focus on enforcement actions like excluding non-compliant products.
The following is the legislation that the new European Audit Capacity (EAC) will be focusing on. They are,
- Restriction of Hazardous Substances (RoHS) Directive
- EU Medical Device Regulation (MDR)
- REACH Regulation
- EU Waste Framework Directive (WFD)
Hence, manufacturers can see a drastic change in their product compliance activity because of the ramping up of EAC.
Working Of The EAC Model:
The revised REACH 2.0 will be working as it used to. As before, the ECHA will collect the necessary data through its corresponding regulations, either in the database format or as articles. The European Audit Capacity (EAC) will come into play, assessing the given data and verifying whether they come under the jurisdiction.
The roles and responsibilities taken on by the EAC are,
- Checking for the missing data within the registered company’s SCIP dossier(s).
- Identifying the discrepancies in the submitted database indicating its non-compliance.
- Run the given company’s data with other business SCIP databases to determine consistency.
- Finally, submitting a curated database about the companies that don’t adhere to compliance with the corresponding agencies.
Hence, you can say that product is the heart of any enforcement or regulation. So, centralize and organize all your compliance data through Sunstream’s REACH and conflict mineral compliance services.