What is CMRT?
The Conflict Mineral Reporting Template (CMRT) is used in Tin, Tantalum, Tungsten and Gold(3TG) supply chains to determine the country of origin and to transfer the information of smelters and refiners being utilized as part of the Conflict mineral compliance. This template is developed, maintained and updated by the Responsible Minerals Initiative (RMI) and follows the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Due Diligence Guidance. The CMRT is designed to follow the IPC-1755 Responsible Sourcing of Minerals Data Exchange Standard. The standard originally addressed conflict minerals within the scope of the US Dodd-Frank Act and now addresses global responsible minerals sourcing.
Latest CMRT 6.3
Updated version of CMRT released on 5th May 2023 and it is available in the RMI website. The major changes in the latest CMRT 6.3 compared to the previous CMRT 6.22 are,
- Corrections to all bugs and errors.
- Updates to tips on the instruction’s tabs.
- All changes has been confirmed not to conflict with IPC 1755
- Names of countries, states/provinces has been updated to ISO short names
- Updates to smelter Reference List and Standard Smelter List.
Latest version is available for download here
CMRT Template Structure
The CMRT is having eight visible sheets, some of which provide information’s and instructions for the users to complete the CMRT and the others require inputs from the user. User input required sheets are highlighted in green colour (Declaration, Smelter List, Product List). Each sheets purposes are explained in below section:
- Revision – Here you can find the past revisions of CMRT and the changed made in each.
- Instruction – Instructions on how to complete the CMRT.
- Definitions – Definition of common terminology and acronyms used in the CMRT.
- Declaration – Due diligence questions and the company information question that user have to fill in this section.
- Smelter List – The user has to fill the Smelters/refiners information’s collected through the survey in this section.
- Checker – Verification list to confirm user completion of all required fields within the CMRT.
- Product List – This is to fill the products information which is under the scope.
- Smelter Look-Up – RMIs Smelter reference list during the time of CMRT release will be available here.
Minerals Reporting with Sunstream
Now companies are coming under lot of pressure regarding supply chain transparency. RMI developed the CMRT to help the downstream companies to gather and disclose information about their supply chains.
Sunstream Global Technologies is providing solutions for different regulations including Conflict minerals compliance, REACH Compliance and RoHS Compliance. We are offering our customers the solutions for responsible sourcing by providing the data that you need for supply chain transparency. We will do the due diligence with your suppliers, validate the data and help you to make the final report. Reach out to us to discuss your material compliance needs.