Sunstream Global technologies conducts second seminar in the series Streamline 2023 at IIT-Madras.
Sunstream conducts Streamline 2023- seminar on product engineering innovations and PCB Technologies at IIT-M on 27 April 2023. Seminar received over whelming response from Chennai companies and was run on a full house. Strategically conducted at IIT-Madras premises, the seminar had attendees from research engineers from IIT and general companies from the city.
Dhana Sekaran, Head of India Sales at Sunstream welcomed the attendees and Unni Mecheeri, Director, Sunstream did the thank you note.
Gopu Achath, VP of Technology at EMA Design Autmation conducted a session on “Data management driven OrCAD/Allegro environment and introduced the participants also on supply chain risk management “. Session introduced data management tools like Pulse, EDM, CIP, CIS which will help customer to work in a data management driven environment.
Suchitha, Senior consultant from Sunstream covered Signal Integrity and Power Integrity topic in the seminar. Her presentation introduced the key areas of SI&PI based designs. Cadence tools like Sigrity, Clarity and Celsius were also introduced.
Sunstream’s services in product engineering, hardware design, embedded software development, PCB Design services and mechanical design was introduced to the attendees.
Sunstream and EMA felicitated Dr Radha Krishna Ganti who is the head of 5G Test bed lab in IIT- M in the event.
About EMA Design Automation:
EMA Design Automation is a trailblazer in product development solutions offering a complete range of EDA tools, PLM integrations, services, training, and technical support. EMA is a Global Cadence Channel Partner serving the America, UK, India, and Europe. EMA develops Ultra Librarian®, TimingDesigner®, CircuitSpace®, CIP™, EDABuilder®, and a host of custom solutions to enhance the OrCAD products, and all are distributed through a worldwide network of value-added resellers. EMA is a privately held corporation headquartered in Rochester, New York.
Visit EMA at for more information.
About Sunstream Global Technologies:
Sunstream Global Technologies specializes in providing solutions for Electronic, Mechanical, and PCB design services associated with product Development, and IT services. Sunstream provides products, solutions, and services to make OEMs more efficient in their business. We provide solutions in the area of Product Development, Sustenance Engineering, Re-Engineering, Product Environmental Compliance and Engineering and Supply Chain Process Outsourcing. Representing Cadence®, Sunstream sell tools and technologies including Allegro®, OrCAD® and other analysis tools like Sigrity, Clarity and Celsius.