Know How OrCAD X Acts As A PCB Connectivity Manager

Know How OrCAD X Acts As A PCB Connectivity Manager

Know How OrCAD X Acts As A PCB Connectivity Manager

The Printed Circuit Board or PCB plays a crucial role in modern electronics as they enhance the reliability and functionality of any electronic system. The PCB connectivity is defined as the electrical networking or connections within the various components such as the electric elements and the networking paths. The elements within the PCB include pads, planes, traces, nets, inter-layer connections, thermal management components, and impedance-controlled traces.

Hence, for an effective PCB connectivity, a PCB connectivity manager acts as an ideal tool which is often included in a PCB design software to verify and manage the electrical connections on the PCB. OrCAD X, is  the renowned PCB design tool which serves as the ideal PCB connectivity manager offering the designers and engineers to ensure a flawless design for tracing, efficiency, and accuracy. Therefore, this blog explains how OrCAD X acts as a PCB connectivity manager.

OrCAD X – The Best PCB Connectivity Manager

Integration With Other Design Tools

One of the best features of the OrCAD X is they can be integrated seamlessly with existing PCB design tools for a smooth connectivity workflow with consistency in every stage of design. The OrCAD X includes OrCAD X Capture, OrCAD X Presto PCB Editor, and PSpice for schematic design, real-time analyzation, and advanced simulation respectively. Hence, OrCAD X offers a comprehensive and unified platform for the designers from capturing to the process of simulation.

Reporting And Documentation

Another feature of OrCAD X is the complete generation of documents and reports regarding the PCB connectivity status which helps in verification, review, and troubleshooting process. The OrCAD X incorporates Live DOC, allowing the designer and engineers to generate reports for dynamic documentation in regard to the design. Therefore, with the help of reporting and documentation in the OrCAD X the engineers and designers will get real-time insights on the designs leading to effective and timely design changes.


The cross-probing feature in the OrCAD X allows the designers and engineers to choose a single or group of components on the PCB in a single view and see how it reflects on the other view. So, the OrCAD X supports cross-probing where the designer selects a single or group of components on the schematic view and can see how it resonates in the Live BOM and PCB layout for easy analyzes and quick resolution in the connectivity. 

Connectivity Constraints

The OrCAD X includes the feature called connectivity constraints where the designers can define a constraint on the connectivity ensuring that the design adheres with the design regulation. Moreover, the OrCAD X offers the engineers and designers to provide a complete detailed setting in the constraint manager like length matching, impedance control, and pair rules for effective adherence. 

Library Management

The library management in the OrCAD X offers the designers and engineers to incorporate the right footprint and symbol across the PCB design for connectivity. As mentioned earlier the OrCAD X offers Live BOM, which helps the design to use the right and updated Bill of Materials (BOM) that synchronizes with the PCB design. Moreover, as this software synchronizes with design, the BOM components are modified or added automatically improving accuracy and consistency.

Therefore, a PCB connectivity manager is important for accurate PCB designs for efficient and reliable outcomes. OrCAD X offers such advanced features and makes it an unparalleled part of the workflow. Hence, approach Sunstream for PCB layout services as we use OrCAD X to help businesses achieve their desired outcomes with precision and confidence.