ECHA over the years have been taking more initiatives to regulate and promote the safer use of chemicals with SCIP and REACH compliance to be the primary ones. On 5th January 2021 all European Union producers, assemblers, importers, and distributors of articles containing substances of very high concern (SVHCs) on the Candidate List in a […]
We have all heard of REACH regulations on the products and materials that harm the environment. But do you know that REACH compliance should also be adhered to by nanomaterials? Nanomaterials are materials or chemical substances whose sizes range from 1 to 100 nanometers. These nanomaterials may exhibit different characteristics due to the increase in […]
To begin with, REACH stands for Registration, Evaluation, Authorization, Restriction Of Chemicals. The majority of chemical compounds produced in or imported into Great Britain are subject to the UK REACH regulation. Duties That Falls Under REACH: The company is required to recognize and control the hazards posed by the substances which are produced and sold […]
If you are supplying goods or selling your products to the European Union, you might have known what REACH compliance is, and why should you demonstrate one? REACH (registration, evaluation, authorization and restriction of chemicals) is a European regulation issued to address the production of chemicals to prevent the environment and human health from its […]
Various factors lead to potential concern in the import and export of the chemicals and have been around for a longer time. The reasons for these concerns in the supply chain are due to consumer-shareholder demands, compliance regulations, policies, and liabilities. So, speaking about compliance, one of the most notable regulations that rules the entire […]
The European Union adopted the Restriction of Hazardous Substances (REACH) Directive (EU). It aimed to protect the health of the public and the ecosystem from the threats posed by various chemical substances. This regulation also paves the way for alternative ways to conduct hazard assessments by decreasing tests on animals. This blog post will highlight […]