If you are supplying goods or selling your products to the European Union, you might have known what REACH compliance is, and why should you demonstrate one? REACH (registration, evaluation, authorization and restriction of chemicals) is a European regulation issued to address the production of chemicals to prevent the environment and human health from its hazardous impact.
So, you can say that REACH compliance is the primary legislation in the European Union to control the production of chemicals, which also subsides other directives like RoHS and the EU Waste Framework. Hence, in this post, we can look more at the law and how to demonstrate your product with REACH compliance.
REACH Compliance And Substance List:
As mentioned earlier, REACH legislation has become an essential factor to consider before exporting or supplying chemicals to the European Union. Hence, you can expect that REACH’s complexity and abiding by it can sometimes be challenging.
European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) is a specially designated organization set up by the European nation to authorize chemical substances. So, listed below are the three categories under which your product falls.
Candidate List:
Substances or chemicals that are potentially harmful to humans and the environment that ECHA are still evaluating for replacements fall under this classification.
Authorization List:
Substances that are particularly harmful with serious effects fall under this category. However, these chemicals or substances have a sunset date beyond which it needs authorization for usage.
Restricted List:
Substances or chemicals that are completely banned or restricted by ECHA fall under this category.
The overall aim of REACH compliance is to prevent the environment and human beings from the substances of very high concern (SVHCs) in the goods or products sold or supplied within the European nation.
How To Comply Your Product With The Compliance?
The manufacturer of durable goods needs to know whether their products and subproducts fall under compliance. Hence, knowing this, you could determine which category the product belongs to and the necessary steps to be taken.
- If your products include any substances from the candidate list with concentrations higher than 0.1%, then the manufacturer should provide information or an article for the consumer’s safety.
- If you manufacture or supply products from the ECHA’s authorization list containing SVCHs, you should obtain an authorization certificate to continue your operation.
- It is to be noted that the manufacturers should not exceed or meet the conditions for the substances that are imposed in the restricted list of ECHA.
Hence, as you might have understood, the complexity of the REACH compliance regulation needs a deep insight to meet the legal requirements. It can be time-consuming to reach out to each supplier to get the right information. Sunstream helps provide in-depth knowledge about your supply chain, whether your products abide by the compliance requirements or not.