The European Chemical Agency (ECHA) has published the list of latest substances added to the SVHC Candidate List. On 14th June 2023 ECHA published the updated candidate list with two new entries. So, the current candidate list of SVHCs contains 235 substances. Below table indicates the latest substances added, According to Article 33(1) of the […]
Master data management (MDM) involves creating a single master record for each person, place, or thing in a business, from across internal and external data sources and applications. This information has been de-duplicated, reconciled and enriched, becoming a consistent, reliable source. Once created, this master data serves as a trusted view of business-critical data that […]
API 650 and API 620 are both standards developed by the American Petroleum Institute (API) for the design and construction of storage tanks, but they differ in several ways: In generic, API 650 covers the design, fabrication, erection, and inspection of atmospheric storage tanks (tanks that operate at ambient pressure) whereas API 620 applies to […]