ECHA, or European Chemical Agency, plays a crucial role in safeguarding and using the chemicals responsibility with the EU or European Nation. One of the primary initiatives taken by the ECHA is developing the annual report on the Trade of Chemicals. It is an extensive document that sheds light on the distinct aspects of chemical […]
Conveyors are used to transport materials or goods from one location to another within a facility or from one place to another. There are several types of conveyors designed for various purposes and industries. Here are some common types of conveyors: Belt Conveyors: Belt conveyors consist of a continuous loop of material, typically a rubber […]
Humidity control is a frequently underestimated but critical aspect in electronics manufacturing of PCB design services, encompassing precise soldering and corrosion prevention tasks. Excessive moisture in the assembly environment may result in problems such as corrosion, while insufficient moisture can elevate the susceptibility to electrostatic discharge (ESD). Manufacturers are responsible for maintaining humidity within specific […]
Designing a Power Distribution Network (PDN) is a critical aspect of printed circuit board (PCB) design, especially for high-performance and high-speed applications. A well-designed PDN ensures that all components on the PCB receive stable and reliable power, minimizing voltage drops and noise. Here are some key considerations and concepts required to PDN design: Power Integrity […]
The Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act, or Proposition 65, implemented in 1986, was based on protecting California people from potentially risky chemicals and toxins produced by various products. Hence, it makes businesses offer caution with their products if they contain substances under the Prop 65 candidate list. Understanding the Proposition 65 Substance List […]