Posted on 3 October, 2022

The European Chemical Agency(ECHA), under the Waste Framework Directive(WFD), has issued a SCIP database containing all the essential information regarding the Substances of Concern (SOC) that are included in complex products or articles. These initiatives taken by ECHA were to promote safer use of the products (inclusion of SOC) and prevent potential environmental hazards. Hence, […]

Posted on 19 September, 2022

Radiofrequency (RF) shielding is a device specifically designed to block radiofrequency or electromagnetic interference in the PCB. Electromagnetic or radiofrequency interference is an external disturbance that effectively impacts the circuit’s electromagnetic induction. In some cases, the RF interference is placed in the PCB circuit to shield the Electromagnetic Interference (EMI). Hence, in such cases, the […]

Posted on 15 September, 2022

A vessel which runs or operates above atmospheric pressure can be called as Pressure vessels. Pressure vessels are capable of holding the volume of liquids, vapours, and gases above atmospheric pressure. There are several equipment’s working under this philosophy such as Heat Exchangers, Filters, Heaters, Coolers and Reaction vessels. The safety of this pressurized vessels […]

Posted on 12 September, 2022

Do you know that product compliances are about to become more competent and faster? The compliances enforced by the EU will undergo a revolution as there will be a Chemical Audit Agency very soon for the effective enforcement and auditing of the compliance. Hence, this article will deal with the changes in REACH compliance and […]

Posted on 9 September, 2022

Have you ever heard of lithium batteries? It is a rechargeable battery with enclosed lithium ions where the lithium ions shift from the negative to the positive electrode while de-energizing and vice versa while energizing. So, you can say that lithium-ion (Li-ion) batteries are one of the most advanced inventions of electrochemistry.  Considering other rechargeable […]

Posted on 7 September, 2022

Are You Struggling With Parts Shortage In Your Electronic Product Manufacturing? How Sustenance Engineering Can Handle Supply Chain Challenges Efficiently: Global electronic supply chain is going through one of the most difficult times in history. Parts shortages, long lead times and rising cost of components has made several organizations into tougher situations. Product manufacturing has […]

Posted on 5 September, 2022

Any possible electronic product, be it a washing machine, smartphone, or vending machine, is called the embedded system if it has an embedded controller or a processor inside. It comprises various computational programs, memory, input and output peripherals, communication systems, and related electronic components. Hence, the entire setup is known as embedded systems design and […]

Posted on 1 September, 2022

The circuit board development involves various attributions to satisfy the requirements of the given design. One of the most prominent attributes that determine the circuit board design is the power supply and the circuit laid out. It is one of the most important tasks carried out by various PCB layout services to choose the suitable […]

Posted on 22 August, 2022

ECHA over the years have been taking more initiatives to regulate and promote the safer use of chemicals with SCIP and REACH compliance to be the primary ones. On 5th January 2021 all European Union producers, assemblers, importers, and distributors of articles containing substances of very high concern (SVHCs) on the Candidate List in a […]

Posted on 12 August, 2022

A transient state is experienced by the voltage and current in an electrical circuit when switching occurs before steady-state conditions are reached. Immediately following the switching action, transients in electrical circuits last for a brief period of time ranging from microseconds to milliseconds. The duration of transients depends on circuit characteristics like capacitance, inductance, and […]